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Why You Should Consider Getting a Study Scholarship in Italy


If you’re thinking about studying abroad, you may think of the cost as the only thing holding you back from making your dream come true. Luckily, with study scholarships, it doesn’t have to be an obstacle anymore! You can find programs that will pay you while you go to school or help you get there entirely free of charge. If this sounds appealing to you, here are some things to consider when looking into study scholarships in Italy!

5 Reasons Why Italy is the Best Country for Studying Abroad

  1. The culture of studying abroad is huge here.
  2. The amount of art and history from Greek, Roman, Renaissance and Medieval times is just stunning.
  3. There are an abundance of Italian language courses.
  4. Art students will appreciate how affordable materials are.
  5. The food—need I say more? (Although I do love gelato) Studying abroad has become increasingly popular among college students.

Read Also: What are the benefits of Getting a Scholarship?

With many different options to choose from, it can be hard to decide where to go. A study scholarship in Italy provides all of these benefits while being relatively inexpensive compared to other European countries like France or Germany. If you’re looking for somewhere with rich culture, excellent cuisine and breathtaking views, consider getting a study scholarship in Italy!

5 Ways Scholarship Helps Pay Your Way Through Italy

First, it helps you study abroad at an affordable price. If you choose to study in Europe and one of your top priorities is budget, than you should consider finding scholarship opportunities that can help pay for your education. When we talk about affordable prices for university tuition we’re talking about thousands of dollars less than comparable programs here at home—and if that doesn’t sound like paying your way through we don’t know what does.

Not only will you save on tuition, but these studies have also been shown to improve student achievement and retention rates. So not only are you studying abroad and improving yourself as a student, but also as a person too! It gives you access to unique cultural experiences: Second, by living in another country with people from all over the world you get a chance to experience things that most students never get to see.

For example, learning how other cultures live and interact with each other. These experiences often go beyond just classes and open up doors into new career paths or even lifestyles. And while travel isn’t free, it sure beats sitting around campus doing nothing all day when there are so many amazing places out there waiting for us to explore them! It creates job opportunities: Third, by studying abroad you create job opportunities for yourself after graduation by adding international experience onto your resume.

Facts About Education In Italy

Education is free and compulsory for children aged 6 to 16. In 2012, only 0.9% of students were not registered at any school. While education was previously centralized under provincial authorities, reforms during 2000-2010 devolved responsibilities to municipalities (comuni) and schools themselves. The Scuola dell’Infanzia (preschool) spans three years; kindergarten (which can be for one or two years depending on age) is optional but highly recommended.

Primary school consists of five years. Secondary education includes three traditional types of schools focused on different academic levels: Liceo/Liceo Scientifico (high school/high-school plus): 3–5 years; Istituto Tecnico/Istituto Professionale (vocational high school): 2–3 years; and Scuola Media/Scuola Superiore (middle school): 5–6 years. Students who complete secondary education may continue their studies at a university or college. Approximately 32% of Italians between 25 and 64 have attained tertiary education, while 8% have failed to complete high school.

Some Tips on How to Get a Scholarship in Italy

Scholarships are easy to obtain if you know how to go about it. Do research on scholarship opportunities and attend conferences where scholarships are usually announced. Showcase your skills and talents, put together a CV that highlights why you deserve it and always be yourself. Confidence goes a long way so do not lose sight of it when filling out scholarship applications, especially for national scholarships. Try talking to alumni who went to school abroad and learn from their experiences.

Reach out to them personally and ask them all sorts of questions pertaining to studying overseas such as how they landed that particular scholarship or any tips they can give regarding application, payment schedules or what they wish they had done differently while applying for college in another country. Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to getting a scholarship. This is because everyone has different needs and requirements for each type of scholarship program available.

The more information you have about different types of scholarships, the better off you will be in securing one. Always look into multiple options before deciding which ones best suit your needs. And don’t forget to start early! Start researching even before senior year begins – many programs require applicants to submit materials by October or November at least two years prior to enrollment date (for example). And finally, never give up! Rome wasn’t built in a day after all!

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