What is Quora?
Quora is user based question and answer website in which some users ask questions and other users who knows the answer provide answer. User also share knowledge on through Post and people who search relevant queries can read these articles post. Quora support text and images which can add value to your answer.
Quora has on average of 200 to 300 million monthly visitors making it good marketing platform for businesses and bloggers.

How to use Quora?
Tabs and Features of Quora
The above is the simple answer of what is Quora. But a person needs to know the tabs and features of Quora in details to get benefit of it. The features and options of Quora are as follows

The interface of Quora in above image shows that Quora have six main tabs. These are
- Home
- Quora Spaces
- Answer
- Discover spaces
- Profile
- Language Support
Benefits of Quora
2.Business Benefits (Business promotion and Marketing)